HAPPY FEET RUNNING was an exam project in the second semester of the Bachelor of Professions program Web Developer. The exam task was to create an event portal where the user could use all the CRUD operations in the form of read, post, delete and update. The project's theme was open to interpretation, so I chose to go with the theme of running events and clubs.
My approach to the task was to create a website that looked professional, as I wanted the users to have the experience that it was trustworthy and that it was committed runners who used the website. I chose to build it simply so that users could navigate it easily. I started by building the skeleton of the appearance of the website, then I started by creating a database that made sense with the functions and features that I wanted the website to have, and finally I connected the frontend and backend together for a full stack solution.
My biggest challenge was to create logical error handling over the website, without changing too much in the solution.
My outcome was a full-stack website, where you as a user have the option to register, register for running events- and clubs, create running events- and clubs and the option to search for running clubs- and event titles.
For this exam where there guidelines for the technologies. I have used these technologies:
- Remix framework, which mean I also used React and JavaScript
- Remix auth, for authentication
- Bcrypt, for hashing of the password
- MongoDB, hosted on MongoDB Atlas
- Mongoose, for the database schemas and models
- Tailwind CSS, for styling of the app
- Render.com, for the deployment of the website